Study: Fishing Households Experienced Depressive Symptoms Despite Social Support after Oil Spill
Studies Describe how Oil Gets into Marine Snow, Improving Oil Fate Predictions
Study Shows that Floating Bamboo Plates Capture Strength of Small-Scale Ocean Currents
Study Describes Seabed Conditions at Oil and Gas Seep Site in Gulf of Mexico
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Oil from the Deepwater Horizon incident and the chemical dispersants applied during response efforts affected many ecologically and economically important fish species in the Gulf of Mexico.
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Large environmental disasters can have a wide range of impacts on communities in affected areas, yet we have a limited understanding about how disasters affect public health.
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Deepwater Horizon oil impacted over 1,700 km of Gulf of Mexico coastline and prompted 89 beach closures, largely due to uncertainty about health risks associated with oil contamination.
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The Smithsonian’s Ocean Portal published an article that describes some of the discoveries that scientists have made about microbes in the Gulf of Mexico.
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Hydrocarbons from oil slicks floating on the ocean’s surface can be aerosolized by evaporation, breaking waves and bursting bubbles.
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Studies Assess Gulf of Mexico Fish Tissue Following Deepwater Horizon
On Wednesday, June 10th, GoMRI leadership stood in solidarity with #ShutDownSTEM. GoMRI fully acknowledges that Black Lives Matter and changes need to be made in the scientific community, and we will work with our communities to eliminate racism from scientific research. We stand behind the recent statements made by AAAS and our partner organizations.
Sea Grant Releases Report on Fostering Researcher-Responder Collaboration
How Grad Student Tang Observes Oil’s Big Impacts on Tiny Predators and Their Prey
2021 SSR Motorsports SR70 C SEMI vs. 2021 KTM SX E 5:2021 SSR Motorsports SR70 C SEMI vs. 2021 KTM SX E 5 Side-by-Side Comparison Compare the 2021 SSR Motorsports SR70 C SEMI vs 2021 KTM SX E 5. The 2021 SSR Motorsports SR70 C SEMI has an MSRP of $799, while the 2021 KTM SX E 5 has an MSRP of $5,049.
Recent Employment Opportunities
Opportunity: General Engineer, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, Oil Spill Preparedness Division
Opportunity: Call for Nominations – Standing Committee to Advise the Understanding Gulf Ocean Systems Research Campaign
Opportunity: Florida Institute of Oceanography, Director
Opportunity: University of Southern Mississippi, Assistant Professor of Biological Oceanography
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GoMRI in the News
Sparkling waters hide some lasting harm from 2010 oil spill
GoMRI in the News
OUR FISH: Deepwater Horizon oil fouled the Gulf of Mexico 10 years ago and still affects fisheries